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WoodBlocX £50 Gift Voucher

WoodBlocX kits are the ideal gift for any gardening enthusiast! We take the stress out of gardening, making weeding and harvesting so much easier and more enjoyable. WoodBlocX is light, quick and easy to assemble, so why not give the gift that lasts for years.

The value of our vouchers can be put towards anything on our website. This includes standard WoodBlocX kits, raised beds, raised ponds, retaining walls and even our Design Service.

All our vouchers are sent via email so there is no charge for delivery. Once purchased, you will be sent your voucher code within 24 hours.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Číst více ...
50 Kč

The value of our vouchers can be put towards anything on our website.

All our vouchers are sent via email so there is no charge for delivery. Once purchased, you will be sent your voucher code within 24 hours.

Need a different value voucher? See our other options.

If you have any questions, please contact us